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What is a Blockchain? History, Evolution and Concepts in 2024

Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology

A blockchain is a set of blocks each of which records details of several transactions. Together, it creates a distributed ledger that is nearly immutable and is able to process transactions in a much efficient manner.

Blockchains issue cryptocurrencies which are can be transacted cheaply and almost instantly. This led to the creation of a new era of finance called as Decentralized Finance.

History of Blockchains

Though blockchains existed since 1996 when Nick Szabo brought the concept of cryptocurrencies. However, then cryptocurrencies could not exist in a way that prevented double spending.

Why early cryptocurrencies met failure?

In early cryptocurrencies, anyone could copy them and spend them a number of times. This made it difficult to see whose transaction was original because every transaction was identical.

This problem was called as double spending.

Bitcoin Solves Double Spending

The first cryptocurrency which prevented double spending was Bitcoin. It solved the problem through an innovative method called proof of work. Each transaction was broadcasted to the entire network and was verified multiple times. Further, a copy of all transactions was available with everyone, which prevented fake transactions.

The people who validated the transactions had to go through a complex process to obtain a value called Nonce, which was unique to each transaction. Since every verifier could obtain the Nonce value independently, they were able to see that a transaction was valid.

The transaction verifiers are paid a part of blockchain transaction fees. For proof of work blockchains, they are called as miners and for proof of stake blockchains they are known as validators.

Automation of Blockchains with Ethereum

The second generation of blockchain started when Ethereum was launched in 2015, its founder Vitalik Buterin and other co-founders added a feature called smart contracts which automated transactions. Now transactions need not to be initiated by humans, the blockchain was itself capable of doing so.

The application was seen in betting, auctioning, decentralized exchanges, liquidity pools, cryptocurrency swapping protocols and several other areas.

The Ethereum Blockchain

New Era of Cross-Chain Functionality

Even the second generation of blockchains could not transfer assets among each other.

This was solved with cross-chain transfers. Tokens were either locked or burnt on one blockchain and minted on the other. The value of tokens burnt on one chain were of the same value as those minted on the other chain.

This was possible for all kinds of tokens, whether fungible (cryptocurrencies) or non-fungible (NFTs).

Emergence of New Applications

After the maturing of blockchain technology by 2018, new trends emerged in blockchain which catered to data management (The Graph), Internet of Things (IOTA Chain), data transfers to and from blockchains (Chainlink) and non-traceable blockchains(Monero).

Trends which were till now suppressed due to reasons such as lack of adoption also re-emerged.

One such application was asset tokenization. This application made it possible to convert the ownership of real world assets like cars, land and property into blockchain tokens which made it possible to transfer them within record time (as compared to traditionally several weeks).

Blockchain Terminology

How does a Blockchain Work?

All blockchains work basically in a similar way which starts with initiating a transaction, which is then verified and after that is finalized. The following stepwise process illustrates the working of a blockchain along with a flowchart.

Working of a Blockchain
  1. A transaction is initiated by a user.
  2. The transaction is broadcasted to all the nodes (verifiers).
  3. Each node runs computations to verify the transaction.
  4. Transactions are added to a block.
  5. The newly added block is broadcasted to the network.
  6. The block is finalized when a certain number of new blocks is added after it.

Hacking in Blockchain

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